HDFC Bank Educated over 11,000 Students and Teachers on Safe Digital Banking Practices


The Bank conducted over 150 special secure banking workshops on the occasion of Teacher’s Day 

India, 2024: HDFC Bank, India’s leading private sector Bank conducted over 150 workshops sensitising over 11,000 students and teachers on safe digital banking practices. The Bank conducted these special secure banking workshops between 4th Sept and 10th Sept on the occasion of Teacher’s Day.


The Bank reached out to school/college/educational institutes across India and conducted secure banking sessions for students, teaching and non-teaching staff. Through these interactive sessions, participants gained valuable insights on safe digital banking practices so that they don’t fall prey to cyber frauds. 


The workshops included real life examples, stories and videos which helped participants understand various Modus Operandi used by fraudsters. HDFC Bank has been conducting Cyber Fraud Awareness Workshops under the secure banking initiative at various locations across the country over the past four years.


The workshop covered an array of pertinent topics, offering a better understanding of digital security:


  1. Cyber Fraud Awareness: Detailed discussions were held explaining common cyber threats like vishing, phishing, smishing, remote device access, SIM swap and UPI frauds. Discussion was also done to identify scams which happen in pretext of investment, job offer, digital arrest, fake courier, etc. and how to safeguard from these. Real-life examples were used to deepen understanding.
  2. Secure Net-banking and Shopping Tips: The sessions highlighted best practices for secure online transactions and tips for safe online shopping.
  3. Preventive Measures: Attendees were guided not to divulge sensitive information such as OTPs, CVVs, Debit/Credit card credentials and UPI PINs.
  4. Report Suspected Scams: Reporting any suspicious call/message on the Chakshu portal on


Commenting on this Mr. Manish Agrawal, Senior Executive Vice President – Credit Intelligence and Control – HDFC Bank said, “In today’s digital age, it is imperative that we equip the youth and educators with the knowledge to navigate the online world safely. Lack of awareness causes people to fall for cyber frauds. Therefore, it is essential to create awareness so that they do not share confidential banking data or click on unverified links. The objective of these workshops was to educate participants on various modus operandi used by fraudsters and the secure banking practices that one need to follow so that they can further educate their family and friends and they do not become victims of such online frauds.”